Silver light ,Installation,Errors, Web Installer,VS 2010,VS 2008 SP1,Silver light Tool Kit, Silverlight SDK,Silver light Developer
by using this we can able to modify our websites and windows with awesome graphics ,animations,designs,layouts in client and serverside coding....
This is a microsoft product now version 4.0 with visual studio 2010 is runnig...
for installling silver light
1. download webinstaller from site
check all the options and then click install it will install all the silverlight tools for visual studio 2010 and silver light toolkit if ur getting error or u having older versions.....
go for microsoft downloads sites... and search for older versions
order of installations
1.plugin for silverlight
2.Silverllight SDK (version u need exp silverlight 2 sdk,....etc)
3.SilverLight Toolkit(here also version is need)
4.if it is Vs 2008 u need VS 2008 SP1
Microsoft Expression Blend
5. Some times u need silverlight developper.exe if u r getting error in debugging...
and how the tools works is shown in the silver light codeplex site
feel free if u have any doubts installation of silver light........